Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Question 7

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

This novel took place in the ordinary farm where later changed to the extraordinary farm which the pigs took controlled. Because the setting was just a farm I had hard time feeling which place is beautiful or not. When the people blew up the windmill I thought it was very memorable setting, because I could feel and imagine the dust and the rocks falling everywhere and shock and angry faces of animals, and it was very meaningful to me because it is the setting when all the work and hope of animals in Animal Farm change to a tiny little dust.
The other setting, which I have found to be, disturbing is when pigs acting like people and walking around with only two feet. I was so socked and disgusted when I imagine pigs smoking and walking around with two feet and hitting and killing animals, and talking to people and can read and write.
The only part where I have found to be beautiful is right after when the animal succeed the revolution and looked around and enjoyed their liberty.

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