Monday, January 22, 2007

Question #3

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?


Sunjin(Patty) said...

There are two main characters in this novel, which are Ralph and Jack. They are the leader of the children that are also in the island. First when they had meeting by making sound with the trumpet shell the children pointed that Ralph should be the leader of that island, but after a while that civilized life in that island didn’t work. Jack and the group of children who liked Jack went away from the Ralph’s group and lived their own wild life, but the wild life group needed the fire to live, which the civilized group has it, Piggy’s glasses. Piggy is one of the characters in this story that has the most intelligent head in this island. Because of the event that non-civilized group stilling the glasses the two groups in that island had a fight, which lead to the death of Piggy. Jack is the character, who can’t control the evilness in his mind because of the taking up the power from the children in that island, but Ralph is the character that could control his mind and know what he was doing and others were doing and which is bad or good. The character I like is Ralph, because I think he is the one who saved many people by his decision and he is the one who represent the civilized life of this world, but Jack is the person that represents the wild life of this world.

hyejin said...

It is interesting how you refered to the two groups as the 'wild life' and 'civilized life'. Ralph was the one trying to bring law and order into their little world. He knew what to do and how to do it to live a good and orderly life on the island. But things didn't go as he had planned. Jack was the rebel and directed the other boys to follow himself and have fun. Jack's group became savages,whom, are actually 'wild'.
Both Jack and Ralph acted according to what the boys around them said or thought. They didn't have a strong leadership but both did the best they could to make life on the island bearable.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Good understanding of characterization. Mrs.Mc.

Stephanie Chun said...

I agree and I like how you describe each character's personality. One opinion I would like to share is that I believe Jack is not a good leader and naive. He shouldn't have let piggy go to Jack as a leader. If he was a good leader he should have been able to persuade Jack and other boys to do as Ralph wants. As a leader he should have prevent or stop the conflict. Thus Ralph is partially responible for piggy's death.
Anyways, nice entry =)!