Monday, January 22, 2007

Question #6

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.


Sunjin(Patty) said...

The passage from this novel that is significant to me is that when Jack revealed his evilness through killing people that disturbed him. Because of that passage lead me to realize about the truth of the evilness of humans’ mind and the possibility that every human can be very cruel, and also because of his action, I could realize that there is not only the possibility of being evil but there is also a possibility of being nice and thoughtful. And because of that event I could also know that there is a hard time to make non-civilized life to civilized life. Also I had an opportunity to think about the life that I lived and think about what I did wrong and what should I do to improve myself more and more to be better person and after reading this package I promised myself to control my feeling and to not be like Jack.

Jean Eun Jin Lee. said...

Where's your passage? I must agree with you that humans can be very cruel. Often times, people think short and live a selfish life. I think I, myself, apply to your response on living a "cruel" life. Wow. You got me thinking woman~! I should improve myself on becoming a better person. Hehe:) Great job!

African Globe Trotters. said...

Yes our sinful nature is really a challenge to all of us. Mrs.Mc.