Monday, January 22, 2007

Quesion #4

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?


Sunjin(Patty) said...

The climax of this novel is the time when Piggy’s glasses were stolen, even though they could just ask for it. Because of that event the civilized group in that island needed to go visit the wild group in that island, which made the war between the two groups. When the civilized group of the children went to the place where the wild group of children was staying the children at that place was all covered with the weapons that they made and guarded the gate of their place. After Ralph told the situation that the Jack’s group stole the glasses and told the leader (Jack) that what he did was stealing, and to give the glasses back to Piggy, the wild group in that island got very angry and killed Piggy and took two people and forced them to be in their group, and they tried to kill Ralph. This event made me really surprised and scary, and also made me to realize how cruel we are and how evil we can be.

Christina Lee said...

It is very surprising to see that war can happen for stupid reasons. This climax dragged me into the interest of reading the book. If the wild group has talked about the situation and solve it together, there would be no need to kill an innocent life. Some people just don’t think enough and be impatient and violent towards that thing that could harm or threat them. It might be intimidating, but patient and keeping the coolness is the best way to keep the peace. Just by reading this entry, I have reminded myself again that I should be a mature adult and act of righteousness without violence. I really liked you entries because it was simple enough for me to understand the book, especially when I didn’t read this book at all^^ have a great lunar break!!!

African Globe Trotters. said...

It is horrific when a murder occurs but even worse when children are involved. Mrs.Mc.

Stephanie Chun said...

I was shocked surprised too, to see those little boys killing their friend. I believe Golding was smart to let the characters be young boys because people usually don't imagine children killing somebody.
Wow now I am scared to ride airplanes.....just joking =)